Do you want to develop new skills? Are you thinking of going back to school to increase your salary and prestige? Education is one of the best investments you can make in your career. But what if I don’t have time to go to class? Can I choose online studies? Are online studies accredited?
Attending classes has its huge advantages. You meet people, build relationships and this is a value in itself. However, not always what is available to teenagers and 20-year-olds is possible for people who already have a professional career. Then you should think about studying online.
Online studies are ideal for working adults. There are no commuting, moving and you don’t have to quit your job. You will learn whenever you need it. Are you an early riser Log in when the house is quiet and everyone is still asleep. More nocturnal owl? You can study at night when the children went to sleep. No form of study is as flexible as online study.
By studying online, you will get a bachelor’s degree, just like in the traditional version of the program, attending offline classes. A diploma requires the same class and the same number of hours.

Rules of studying via the Internet
Studying via the Internet is based on the use of modern devices – computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets – and the network. Classes usually take place through a specially prepared e-learning platform that allows you to study online. This is where the materials are posted, including presentations and fragments of articles that students should read.
When looking for the online school you want to attend, the most important thing is to check that the school is accredited. To do this, you can search the database of accredited institutions and post-secondary programs in the US Department of Education. There you can also find detailed information on regional and national accreditation agencies that are recognized by the US Secretary of Education as credible authorities in the field of education quality. Not all online colleges are accredited, and many legitimate schools are either too new to be accredited or choose not to continue.
If you find out that an online college you are interested in is not accredited, you should further investigate whether it is a legitimate school and offers quality education. According to Peterson’s article, “Colleges’ and Accreditation Credentials,” you should start researching at a regional accreditation agency that covers the state in which the school is located. They can tell you if the school has a legitimate statute. Then check to see if there are specialized accreditation agencies that support the program you are interested in.